New committee members

The Committee would like to welcome… trrr(snare drums)…

Irina Wernet as Freshers’ Rep
Melanie Quintero
Lena Bekken
Laura Hillyard

as new members to the New Scotland committee!

It’s also nice to have Daniel Franzen continuing his great work in the committee 🙂

Freshers! (i.e. all members to have joined the society this year) note that Irina is YOUR very own representative, so if you have any suggestions, ideas, complaints etc. from a fresher’s point of view, don’t hesitate to contact her or pull her sleeve some time to let her know how you feel.

They will be added to the committee page soon, so you can know better who your committee members are!

p.s. Don’t forget to send any photos, anecdotes, stories or drawings about this year with New Scotland to our president Alastair ( for the yearbook!