Freshers’ weekend!!

Fresher’s weekend is now round the corner, so it is a good time to start making everybody aware and start signing up.

What happens is; We all go away somewhere for a weekend and the new members get to know the old members (as well as each other). This usually happens through a series of dances, silly games, over drinks-generally just by having fun and enjoying themselves. On Saturday night we have a fancy dress dance and this years theme is still to be decided! After it is decided ( which will be soon ), you can make your costume as simple or complex as you want to, but keep in mind there will be prices for the best and most innovative costumes!

This year we are going to New Lanark. Departure takes place on Friday the 12th of October and we will return on the Sunday the 14th of October. The cost for the weekend -accommodation 2 nights, food from Saturday morning to Sunday lunch ( We have Parisian French Cook ! ), transportation, dances and almost everything else … is for Fresher’s £36, Unwaged £42, and Waged £46. You can either bring food with you on Friday night, or you can buy from a chippy somewhere on the road that still to be decide on.

The weekend will look something like this;

Friday 12th: Departure from Appleton Tower at 18.00

Arrive at New Lanark at some point, discover the hostel and have food there.

Ceilidh with games after arrival, and late night music/dancing.

Saturday 13th: Workshops

Outdoor activities if weather permits / Games

Dinner and fancy dress dance

Sunday 14th: Workshop

Wander around New Lanark.

Leave at 14:00 to Edinburgh.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact committee member Daniel Franzen, talk to him or to anyone of the committee .. ( Daniel’s email address :

Sign-up sheets will be available on Thursdays Next Week at Lutton Pl. It is first come first serve, so make sure you sign up fast 😉

We encourage all new members of the society to come on this fun weekend away, don’t worry if you don’t know anyone yet, this is where people usually finally learn each others’ names! It’s also a really nice little break from the academic university hustle! Hope to see all of your happy faces there!