Step Beginners
Monday, 18:00:00 - 19:00:00, Upper Hall, The Pleasance

No dancing experience necessary. Scottish step dancing is a traditional Scottish form of hard-shoe dancing which can be danced solo, or in a small `set` where steps in slow (Strathspey) and quick (reel and jig) time are combined with simple dance patterns including reels of three or four and `birrling`. Recommended footwear are hard soled shoes, ideally with a small heel.
Taught by Fiona Campbell
  • Next class:
    When:      6.May, 18:00 - 19:00
    Where:     Upper Hall, Pleasance

Step Returners
Monday, 19:00:00 - 20:00:00, Upper Hall, The Pleasance

This class includes people with a range of step dance experience. New steps are taught and practiced at `Cape Breton speed`, the focus is on learning routines for displays. If you have danced Scottish Step before, and would like to practice, learn more, or have an opportunity to dance in displays with a friendly team, please come along and join us!
Taught by Fiona Campbell
  • Next class:
    When:      6.May, 19:00 - 20:00
    Where:     Upper Hall, Pleasance