Upcoming (away) events

After a successful term start with many new people, a fun pub quiz and fantastic refreshers’ weekend as well as our fabulous Annual Dance the next few months will be filled with more dancing, mostly away from Edinburgh. We’ll have buses going to all the events so please remember the following dates if you’re interested in coming along:

1. May: St Andrews Castle Ceilidh: An open air Ceilidh (weather permitting) in St. Andrews castle, followed by a torchlight procession down to the pier.

4.May: Disco Ceilidh: A ceilidh of a bit different sort in Teviot with disco lights and music.

7. May: Dundee Dance. Formal ball.

14. May: New Scotland Summer Dance. A fun dance at the end of the term and probably the last chance to see some of those dancers who were only with us until the end of this term!

24. – 30. July: Dunedin Festival. Our sister group Dunedin Dancers is organizing this festival every two years with dance groups from all over Europe.