Hope everyone is glad to be back in Edinburgh for another year of dancing…. or if you’re a fresher, WELCOME.
The following events will be happening this week:
Tuesday 10th: Workshop 14-17 48A lower, 2pm – 5pm
This will be an introductory class for Ceilidh, Country, Highland and Step. This will give you a taster of what our classes are like
Wednesday 11th: Freshers’ fair 11am – 4pm
We will have a stall in the Ochil room, which we all know and love. Do come along!!
Thursday 12th: Freshers’ fair 11am -4pm
Another opportunity to come along to our stall at the Freshers fair!
Thursday 12th: Freshers’ Ceilidh in Debating Hall 7.30pm
Come along to our Freshers Ceilidh where the Folk Society and Piping & Drumming Society will be providing the music. The ceilidh is FREE of charge, so come along and enjoy!!
Friday 13th: Workshop 48a UPPER, 2pm – 5pm
Another opportunity to come along to our workshops!
Hope to see you at some of our events!